# hashes.py
# Copyright (C) 2006-2018 wolfSSL Inc.
# This file is part of wolfSSL. (formerly known as CyaSSL)
# wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
# pylint: disable=no-member,no-name-in-module, no-self-use
from wolfcrypt._ffi import ffi as _ffi
from wolfcrypt._ffi import lib as _lib
from wolfcrypt.utils import t2b, b2h
from wolfcrypt.exceptions import WolfCryptError
[docs]class _Hash(object):
A **PEP 247: Cryptographic Hash Functions** compliant
**Hash Function Interface**.
def __init__(self, string=None):
self._native_object = _ffi.new(self._native_type)
ret = self._init()
if ret < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise WolfCryptError("Hash init error (%d)" % ret)
if string:
[docs] @classmethod
def new(cls, string=None):
Creates a new hashing object and returns it. The optional
**string** parameter, if supplied, will be immediately
hashed into the object's starting state, as if
obj.update(string) was called.
return cls(string)
[docs] def copy(self):
Returns a separate copy of this hashing object. An update
to this copy won't affect the original object.
copy = self.new("")
_ffi.memmove(copy._native_object, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return copy
[docs] def update(self, string):
Hashes **string** into the current state of the hashing
object. update() can be called any number of times during
a hashing object's lifetime.
string = t2b(string)
ret = self._update(string)
if ret < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise WolfCryptError("Hash update error (%d)" % ret)
[docs] def digest(self):
Returns the hash value of this hashing object as a string
containing 8-bit data. The object is not altered in any
way by this function; you can continue updating the object
after calling this function.
result = _ffi.new("byte[%d]" % self.digest_size)
if self._native_object:
obj = _ffi.new(self._native_type)
_ffi.memmove(obj, self._native_object, self._native_size)
ret = self._final(obj, result)
if ret < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise WolfCryptError("Hash finalize error (%d)" % ret)
return _ffi.buffer(result, self.digest_size)[:]
[docs] def hexdigest(self):
Returns the hash value of this hashing object as a string
containing hexadecimal digits. Lowercase letters are used
for the digits 'a' through 'f'. Like the .digest() method,
this method doesn't alter the object.
return b2h(self.digest())
[docs]class Sha(_Hash):
**SHA-1** is a cryptographic hash function standardized by **NIST**.
It produces an [ **160-bit | 20 bytes** ] message digest.
digest_size = 20
_native_type = "wc_Sha *"
_native_size = _ffi.sizeof("wc_Sha")
def _init(self):
return _lib.wc_InitSha(self._native_object)
def _update(self, data):
return _lib.wc_ShaUpdate(self._native_object, data, len(data))
def _final(self, obj, ret):
return _lib.wc_ShaFinal(obj, ret)
[docs]class Sha256(_Hash):
**SHA-256** is a cryptographic hash function from the
**SHA-2 family** and is standardized by **NIST**.
It produces a [ **256-bit | 32 bytes** ] message digest.
digest_size = 32
_native_type = "wc_Sha256 *"
_native_size = _ffi.sizeof("wc_Sha256")
def _init(self):
return _lib.wc_InitSha256(self._native_object)
def _update(self, data):
return _lib.wc_Sha256Update(self._native_object, data, len(data))
def _final(self, obj, ret):
return _lib.wc_Sha256Final(obj, ret)
[docs]class Sha384(_Hash):
**SHA-384** is a cryptographic hash function from the
**SHA-2 family** and is standardized by **NIST**.
It produces a [ **384-bit | 48 bytes** ] message digest.
digest_size = 48
_native_type = "wc_Sha384 *"
_native_size = _ffi.sizeof("wc_Sha384")
def _init(self):
return _lib.wc_InitSha384(self._native_object)
def _update(self, data):
return _lib.wc_Sha384Update(self._native_object, data, len(data))
def _final(self, obj, ret):
return _lib.wc_Sha384Final(obj, ret)
[docs]class Sha512(_Hash):
**SHA-512** is a cryptographic hash function from the
**SHA-2 family** and is standardized by **NIST**.
It produces a [ **512-bit | 64 bytes** ] message digest.
digest_size = 64
_native_type = "wc_Sha512 *"
_native_size = _ffi.sizeof("wc_Sha512")
def _init(self):
return _lib.wc_InitSha512(self._native_object)
def _update(self, data):
return _lib.wc_Sha512Update(self._native_object, data, len(data))
def _final(self, obj, ret):
return _lib.wc_Sha512Final(obj, ret)
# Hmac types
_TYPE_SHA256 = 2
_TYPE_SHA384 = 5
_TYPE_SHA512 = 4
[docs]class _Hmac(_Hash):
A **PEP 247: Cryptographic Hash Functions** compliant
**Keyed Hash Function Interface**.
digest_size = None
_native_type = "Hmac *"
_native_size = _ffi.sizeof("Hmac")
def __init__(self, key, string=None): # pylint: disable=W0231
key = t2b(key)
self._native_object = _ffi.new(self._native_type)
ret = self._init(self._type, key)
if ret < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise WolfCryptError("Hmac init error (%d)" % ret)
if string:
[docs] @classmethod
def new(cls, key, string=None): # pylint: disable=W0221
Creates a new hashing object and returns it. **key** is
a required parameter containing a string giving the key
to use. The optional **string** parameter, if supplied,
will be immediately hashed into the object's starting
state, as if obj.update(string) was called.
return cls(key, string)
def _init(self, hmac, key):
return _lib.wc_HmacSetKey(self._native_object, hmac, key, len(key))
def _update(self, data):
return _lib.wc_HmacUpdate(self._native_object, data, len(data))
def _final(self, obj, ret):
return _lib.wc_HmacFinal(obj, ret)
[docs]class HmacSha(_Hmac):
A HMAC function using **SHA-1** as it's cryptographic
hash function.
It produces a [ **512-bit | 64 bytes** ] message digest.
_type = _TYPE_SHA
digest_size = Sha.digest_size
[docs]class HmacSha256(_Hmac):
A HMAC function using **SHA-256** as it's cryptographic
hash function.
It produces a [ **512-bit | 64 bytes** ] message digest.
_type = _TYPE_SHA256
digest_size = Sha256.digest_size
[docs]class HmacSha384(_Hmac):
A HMAC function using **SHA-384** as it's cryptographic
hash function.
It produces a [ **512-bit | 64 bytes** ] message digest.
_type = _TYPE_SHA384
digest_size = Sha384.digest_size
[docs]class HmacSha512(_Hmac):
A HMAC function using **SHA-512** as it's cryptographic
hash function.
It produces a [ **512-bit | 64 bytes** ] message digest.
_type = _TYPE_SHA512
digest_size = Sha512.digest_size